MG Drainage Ltd can assist you with any of the following: Clean up of internal and external water or sewage floods, pumping out and clearing of flooded lift shafts, basements, wells, swimming pools, voids or pump pits using puddle pumps, sump pumps, aqua vacs, over pumping by jet pumps or vacuum tankers.
We can take care of internal and external sewage floods from blocked and overflowing drains. We can pump out flooded lift shafts or basements, voids, wells and swimming pools… basically, if you have something containing a liquid we will remove it.
Areas are then sanitised and disinfected as necessary. In the case of internal floods we can then provide the back up of dehumidifiers to aid the drying out process, monitoring and emptying them as required.
Liquid waste is removed and transported for disposal at registered sites where required. It is worth pointing out that sewage and general silt is low risk, however there are high risk disposals such as oils and petrols and as such the costs to dispose of them increase. This is a tariff applied at the transfer stations and not something we have control over, our labour rates for transporting the load remain the same whatever it is.
From sump pumps to puddle pumps, aqua vacs, over pumping by jet pumps or vacuum tankers…….. we can cater for all requirements.
Flooding Example

Flood Damage Works

Sewage Flooded Car Park